Les Mills


(45 or 60 mins) The most athletic class you’ll ever do. Very simple to follow high energy routines that burns calories FAST. It increases cardiovascular capacity and also has strength and plyometric training components to offer a total body ‘blast’.  Suitable for moderate to high fitness levels – (Note: includes low impact options!). PUSHES YOU TO YOUR LIMITS!!



A ‘pre-choreographed’ step class (using an adjustable platform) with ATHLETIC and fun routines set to specific music for each track to create a high energy cardio blast. AND the ultimate butt and leg workout. *30 & 45 Min HIIT format also available*



(60mins) A non-impact weights class set to music. You select the weights you use so this class can cater for all levels. The focus is on correct lifting techniques with high repetition for muscle endurance & toning. WARNING: PUMP WILL CHANGE THE SHAPE OF YOUR BODY. *30 & 45 Min HIIT format also available*.



Get ready to defend yourself with an energetic, pre-choreographed workout combining the elements of Tai Chi, Karate & Kickboxing. A fabulous ‘upper body’ workout whilst improving cardio fitness and burning serious calories.



Core is an efficient 30-40 min core training targeting abs, glutes, back, obliques and slings which connect the upper and lower body. It aims to improve functional strength for balance, mobility and injury prevention. Not recommended in third trimester of pregnancy or those with acute lower back pain. Also available as a virtual class.



Ideal for anyone and everyone, BODYBALANCEis the yoga-based class that will improve your mind, your body and your life.

During BODYBALANCE you bend and stretch through a series of simple yoga moves and embrace elements of Tai Chi and Pilates. Breathing control is a part of all the exercises, and instructors will always provide options for those just getting started. You’ll strengthen your entire body and leave the class feeling calm and centered.



Grit is a high intensity class that builds strong, lean muscle, sending your metabolism into overdrive to burn fat for hours after your workout, 30 minutes that will last a lifetime! An optional stretch segment is offered post workout to assist with muscle recovery and relaxation.



High intensity low/non-impact workout for all fitness levels with intensity controlled by you – guaranteed to shape and tone legs and butt, improve and challenge your cardio & kill calories. A structured class set to highly motivating music to keep you riding.


SH’BAM (Virtual only)

Sh’bam is a straightforward dance workout with simple moves and an emphasis on having a great time. With a chart-topping soundtrack, you’re sure to get your groove back. Even if you’re not usually burning up the dancefloor, this simple class will help you find your dance mojo and burn those calories. Suitable for all fitness levels.